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תאריך יצירה
A rocket scientist he's not
סינר שלם 100% כותנה בצבע שחור
So my cooking isn't good enough for you Apron
סינר שלם 100% כותנה בצבע שחור
What have I done to deserve this Women t-shirt
חולצת גברים שחורה מידה 3XL What have I done to deserve this
חולצת גברים שחורה מידה S What have I done to deserve this
An a in math why not A plus Magnet
And sit up straight Placemat
Are you doing that on purpose Magnet
As long as you live under my roof you will do as I say Magnet
At least I have my health but who knows for how long Coaster
At least I have my health but who knows for how long Magnet
At my age anything might happen Magnet
Becareful with that it'll break Coaster
Because I said so Coaster
Because I said so Magnet
Because I'm your mother that's why Magnet
Better safe than sorry Magnet
Better safe than sorry Placemat
Better you than me Magnet
But do you ever care about my feelings Magnet
But I made it just for you Coaster
But I made it just for you Magnet
But it's only burnt on the outside Magnet
But you are all skin and bones Magnet
But you didn’t eat a thing Placemat
But you used to love my cooking Magnet
But you used to love my cooking Placemat
Call me when you get there Magnet
Close the door were you born in a barn Magnet
Crying won't help you Magnet
Did you hear about the Rosenbaums Magnet
Did you look in the mirror before you left the house Magnet
Did you say please Coaster
Did you say please Magnet
Do I have to do everything around here Coaster
Do I have to do everything around here Magnet
Do I have to do everything around here Placemat
Do you even hear a word I say Magnet
Do you expect me to forgive and forget Magnet
Do you think I'm doing that because I want to Magnet
Do you think I'm made of money Magnet
Don’t ask Coaster
Don’t bother I'll do it Coaster
Don’t bother I'll do it Placemat
Don’t give him any ideas Magnet
Don’t play with your food Placemat
Don’t talk with your mouth full Placemat
Don’t worry about me I'll just sit in the dark Coaster
Don’t you use that tone with me Coaster
Don’t you use that tone with me Placemat
Don't ask me why the answer is no Magnet
Don't bother I'll do it Magnet
Don't come crying to me Magnet
Don't do me any favors Magnet
Don't even get me started Coaster
Don't even get me started Magnet
Don't make me come over there Magnet
Don't play with your food Magnet
Don't talk with your mouth full Magnet
Don't touch that you don't know where it's been Magnet
Don't worry about me I'll be fine Magnet
Don't worry about me I'll be fine Placemat
Don't worry about me I'll just sit in the dark Magnet
Don't you have anything better to do than make my life miserable Magnet
Don't you turn your back on me when I'm talking to you Magnet
Don't you use that tone with me Magnet
Drink it it's good for you Coaster
Eat it it's good for you Magnet
Eat it it's good for you Placemat
Enough is enough Placemat
Everything is a joke to you Magnet
Finish your food Magnet
Go ahead blame me you always do Magnet
Go ahead blame me you always do Women t shirt
Go to sleep Magnet
He's from a nice Jewish family Magnet
He's just schlepping around all day Magnet
He's not the sharpest tack in the box Magnet
He's such a Mentch Magnet
How could you do this to me Magnet
How do you know you don’t like it if you haven't even tried Coaster
How do you know you don't like it if you haven't even tried Magnet
How many times do I have to tell you Coaster
How many times do I have to tell you Magnet
I almost forgot the sound of your voice Magnet
I am not your maid Coaster
I am not your maid Magnet
I am not your maid Placemat
I can't believe you said that and to your own mother Magnet
I can't hear myself thinking in all that noise Magnet
I can't help it I worry Magnet
I didn’t sleep a wink all night Coaster
I didn't like her from the start Magnet
I don't care who started it Magnet
I don't feel so good Magnet
I don't like the sound of that Magnet
I got up at six in the morning to make this for you Magnet
I got up at six in the morning to make this for you Placemat
I hate to say I told you so Coaster
I hate to say I told you so Magnet
I hate to say I told you so Placemat
I hate to say I told you so Women t shirt
I have eyes at the back of my head Magnet
I heard you the first time Magnet
I heard you the first time Placemat
I hope I'll live to see grandchildren Coaster
I hope I'll live to see grandchildren Magnet
I just care too much Coaster
I just care too much Magnet
I just want what's best for you Magnet
I just want you to be happy Coaster
I just want you to be happy Magnet
I knew it Coaster
I knew it Magnet
I knew it Placemat
I only say it because I care Magnet
I only say it because I care Placemat
I worry about you I really do Magnet
I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy Magnet
Ice cream is not dinner Magnet
If all your friends jumped off the roof would you jump too Magnet
If I had a dime for each time you said that I'd be a millionaire by now Magnet
If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times Magnet
If you don’t eat your vegetables you can't have desert Placemat
If you keep making that face it'll get stuck that way Magnet
If you'd put it where it belongs you could find it Magnet
I'll give you something to cry about Magnet
I'm going to count to three Magnet
I'm going to count to three Placemat
I'm just saying Coaster
I'm just saying Magnet
I'm just saying Placemat
I'm not getting any younger Magnet
I'm not myself lately Magnet
I'm not yelling this is how I talk Coaster
I'm not yelling this is how I talk Magnet
I'm not yelling this is how I talk Placemat
I'm saying this for your own good Magnet
I'm simply falling off my feet Magnet
Is that too much to ask Coaster
Is that too much to ask Magnet
Is that what you're wearing Magnet
It makes me sick to my stomach Magnet
It never ends Magnet
It was such a schlep Placemat
It will end in tears Coaster
It will end in tears Magnet
It's fine really Coaster
It's fine really Magnet
It's like I'm talking to a brick wall Magnet
I've only got two hands Coaster
I've only got two hands Placemat
I've said it again and again but do you even listen Magnet
Just look at the state of you Magnet
Just try it Coaster
Just try it Magnet
Just try it Placemat
Just wait till you have children of your own Magnet
Just wait until you have children of your own Placemat
Just wait until your father gets home Magnet
Just wait until your father gets home Placemat
Look at me when I'm talking to you Magnet
Look me in the eyes and say that again Magnet
Luck's got nothing to do with it Magnet
Meshugenne Coaster
Meshugenne Magnet
Money doesn't grow on trees you know Magnet
My hair is turning grey because of you Magnet
My mom is passive aggressive and all I got is this lousy t shirt Men t-shirt
My mom is passive aggressive and all I got is this lousy t shirt Women t shirt
Never in a million years Magnet
No child of mine would do something like that Magnet
No thank you I just had some at home Coaster
No thank you I just had some at home Magnet
Nobody asked you Magnet
Not a single word Magnet
Not in front of the children Magnet
Not later now Coaster
Not later now Placemat
Now sit there and think about what you did Magnet
Now sith there and think about what you did Coaster
Now what Magnet
Now what's wrong Magnet
Now you've done it Magnet
Now you've gone too far Magnet
Over my dead body Magnet
Oy gevald Coaster
Oy gevald Magnet
Put on a sweater I'm cold Coaster
Put on a sweater I'm cold Magnet
Say please Placemat
See what you made me do Coaster
See what you made me do Magnet
So my cooking isn't good enough for you Magnet
So my cooking isn't good enough for you Placemat
Somebody's gonna end up crying Magnet
Someday you'll thank me for this Coaster
Someday you'll thank me for this Magnet
Someday you'll thank me for this Placemat
Stop whining already Magnet
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